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Bild des AutorsVereinigte europäische Juden

Brief an Jeremy Corbyn

Aktualisiert: Jan 18, 2022

London, Großbritannien, 27. November 2019 - Die Vereinigten Europäischen Juden haben gestern bekannt gegeben, dass sie die Behauptung des britischen Oberrabbiners Ephraim Mirvis, das britische Judentum sei angesichts der Aussicht, dass Jeremy Corbyn ihr nächster Premierminister wird, "von Angst ergriffen", eindeutig "zurückweisen und verurteilen".

The letter was signed by our Executive Director Rabbi Meir Weinberger of Antwerp, Belgium. Our organization represents the views of tens of thousands ultra-orthodox Jews throughout Europe. The letter, written to Jeremy Corbyn and referring to it as “unusually disturbing,” states that Mirvis’ opinion does not represent “mainstream chareidi Jews.” There are about 70,000 chareidi Jews living in the UK.

The Chareidi community, which is often reclusive and whose voice if often underrepresented in the mainstream media, is particularly susceptible to misrepresentation on the part of officials who purport to speak in their name.

The letter, which declares Mirvis’ pronouncement as “propaganda with a political and ideological agenda,” and expresses gratitude toward Mr. Corbyn for his “numerous acts of solidarity” with the Jewish community, has been condemned online by Corbyn opponents as fraudulent, but its authenticity can be verified with the organization (

Our organization is represented by 19 distinguished rabbis who lead prominent and respected congregations. This is not the first time chareidi declarations of gratitude to Corbyn were alleged to be forgeries. Earlier this year, a letter to the Times signed by 12 holocaust survivors and a letter signed by over two dozen rabbis were suggested as forgeries by the Jewish Chronicle and the Jerusalem Post, but turned out to be authentic.

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1 Comment

Aug 09, 2022

very true, how sad that ugly and disgusting zionist propaganda managed to unseat him.....

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